Higher Pressure FPR for 200q20v

Alexander van Gerbig Audi_80 at email.msn.com
Sun Jan 6 18:38:48 EST 2002

    Who makes a higher pressure FPR for the 3B that is a bolt on part?  I've
found one out there at $195, but seems a bit pricey.  Since the RS2 or AAN
FPR can't bolt up to the 3B I'd like to find one to put in with the RS2
engine package for the 3B specifically, or at least be able to direct people
where to get a good cost-effective higher pressure FPR.

    What do folks think about using the stock 3B injectors and FPR with RS2
Turbo, RS2 Exhaust Camshaft, RS2/AAN Intake Camshaft, RS2 Exhaust Manifold,
and RS2 Mass Airflow Sensor?


Alexander van Gerbig -- '90 90q20v -- '88 80t (R.I.P)


The Audi  80 Pages---------

North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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