Sources, BTDT type 44 Heater Cores

james accordino ssgacc at
Sun Jan 6 16:36:00 EST 2002

Just my opine, but I did both my 44's and used stock
Valeo.  Mine were made in Brazil; were the originals?
They were fairly cheap.  $38.00 USD?  And I got them
quickly.  So far, 2+ and 3+ yrs. and no probs.  I use
GREEN coolant.  I know... hate me.  They make real
good heat and haven't leaked.  I pulled the whole box
and used rope caulk to seal the box joint and self
stick closed cell foam weatherstrip to both seal the
box to the firewall and repair my air doors.  I did
add contact adhesive to the self stick portion, cause
it won't stay as is.  I used either 3/4" or 1" thick x
1" wide to seal the box to the firewall.  I glued mine
to the box lip.  Worked very well.  I used the same
stuff but around 1/4" thick for the air doors.  The
foam on my air doors was like dust.  These
weatherstrip products are available at Lowes or Home
Depot for cheap.

Jim Accordino
--- Larry C Leung <l.leung at> wrote:
> Just preparing for the inevitable, mine's starting
> to go.
> LL - NY

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