Sources, BTDT type 44 Heater Cores Reply Pt. 2

james accordino ssgacc at
Sun Jan 6 16:43:18 EST 2002

On both my cars I had to re-remove the HVAC box within
1 yr. to repair the spring mount for 1 of the air
doors.  The spring hook tears right out of the plastic
crossbar.  Both cars broke in the exact same spot.  I
repaired both the same way.  I bent a heavy piece of
sheet steel to cover the break and attached it with
epoxy and sheet metal screws.  If I ever do this job
again, the reinforcement will be part of the job, not
an afterthought.

Jim Accordino

--- Larry C Leung <l.leung at> wrote:
> Just preparing for the inevitable, mine's starting
> to go.
> LL - NY

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