URQ MAC ECU questions

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Mon Jan 7 17:36:06 EST 2002

Fellow listers,

One of my friends who owns an 83 ur-quattro would like his car to have some
more horsepower....the car's engine (WR) has been recently completely
stripped and rebuilt and it already has a ported and polished head and a
"cam"....no one seems to know what brand the cam is but it doesn't even
I've seen on Phil Payne's website that, in order to be able to increase
boost pressure on a WR engine, one must install a voltage divider on the
Pressure Transducer in the ECU. I suppose this implies the same kind of
thing as the resistor or the zener-mod for later Audi ECUs....what values
could be used in order to have a slight increase in pressure? What's the
best choice? Zener/resistor or resistor alone?

Any BTDTs on this one?

As always, TIA

Regards from Belgium,


'85 -OOOO- Coupe quattro


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