Big Red Bus rear-ended in Sheffield

mike mikemk40 at
Mon Jan 7 21:02:44 EST 2002

 --- Phil Payne <quattro at> wrote: >
> >
> > that's 3rd party, covers other cars, but you have
> to look after your
> own...
> But it also implies poverty, and that's my problem.
> I have to recover
> my uninsured loss - my own policy requires I pay the
> first n00 of any
> claim, my fault or not.  She didn't look as if she
> had two pennies to
> jingle in her pocket.

don't think it will be a long as she has
3rd party insurance her company will pick up the bill
so it's them you chase not her

Glad to hear it's slight damage and more importantly
all concerned walked away

Remember the going rate for whiplash is about 3k so
check your neck for aches and pains


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