tool question (NAC)

Brett Dikeman brett at
Fri Jan 11 11:54:28 EST 2002

At 4:51 PM +0100 1/11/02, Per Lindgren wrote:
>I dont think that the reson behind the post in the tamper-proof is to not
>put a regular torx in there. I would assume it is rather to prevent
>someone trying to unscrew the bolt with a regular flat-blade screwdriver.

No...they're to prevent people from putting in a regular torx, or
worse, a hex driver.  However, the main benefit is that now you need
VAG tool blah blah blah(or equivalent from some tool supplier) to get
the tranny plug out.  The words "we don't have that tool so we can't
pull the'll have to go to the dealer to get your fluid
changed" are music to Audi's ears.

I think VAG was horrified when Sears started stocking the big allen
key socket needed to get the tranny plugs out on VWs/Audis :-)

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin	(PGP Public Key)

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