camber on lowered 4kq

Larry C Leung l.leung at
Fri Jan 11 17:31:57 EST 2002

This lister had the same experience. Had to adjust the toe (that is
usually expected when lowering the car, tie rod tends to toe in,
depending upon the rod's location) but the camber was fine, front and
rear ('89 200Q).


On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:42:10 -0500 Brett Dikeman <brett at>
>At 9:35 AM -0800 1/10/02, Aaron Ryba wrote:
>>If the car is dropped 1.5" as in the H&R's is there a
>>adjustable camber plate kit available for the 4kq?
>>Is it necessary?
>>I noticed 2B includes one for the 5k models in its
>>coil over program but non for the 4k.
>...which is amusing, since it isn't needed on the
>type44(5000/100/200) unless you -really- lower the car.  I lowered my
>200q20v with h&rs/bilsteins and camber basically didn't change much
>at all, which mirrored the experience of at least one mechanic I
>spoke to, when I asked if such a plate was needed to maintain proper
>"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
>	(PGP Public

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