Blinker Solution with Eurolights...

Mike Robinson fastaudi90 at
Sun Jan 13 12:38:38 EST 2002


I agree that 500 feet is too close, but technically that is the law.  I
think that most (not all) driver's use enough common sense to turn off
their highs when they see an oncoming vehicle.

As far as those Micro DE's.  They are awesome, especially with the
yellow 85 Watt lights.  They work best when I run them only with the
city lights.  I don't know if it is the bulb, but they are by far the
best lights i have ever seen in the snow.  Even when the low beams are
on they make a considerable difference, especially in seeing the sides
of the road, and any obstacles that may not have been clear before.

-Mike Robinson
Audi 90 quattro
225,000 mi

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