Blinker Solution with Eurolights...

RicebalLDR at RicebalLDR at
Mon Jan 14 12:01:18 EST 2002

In a message dated 01/13/2002 20:17:47 Eastern Standard Time,
quattro-request at writes:

<< ubject: Re: Blinker Solution with Eurolights...
 From: Larry C Leung <l.leung at>

 I have to check the net for their dimensions, I know that they are one of
 the ones I've considered. The problem with the type 44 is there are few
 cle >>

    Two things I did on my 1991 200 20v avant after installing Euros. First I
used bulb sockets from a 1997 A6 front turn signal/parking lights to replace
single sockets in amber lights in the front bumper. I now have amber parking
light and turn signals in the front. Second added inexpensive aux driving
lights (aprox 2" x 4") under bumper and use as cornering lights. Not costly
to replace if damaged and work great in concert with the Euros.
Richard Friedrich

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