Where to find door handle & outside mirror fix in Bentley

amz at eskimo.com amz at eskimo.com
Mon Jan 14 17:20:53 EST 2002

Thanks for your reply.  I saw that one (66.6), but it only covers replacing
the glass.  I have the whole mirror assembly with pigtail.  It would seem
straightforward, but I haven't opened the door yet to know what I'm up

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kneale Brownson [mailto:knotnook at traverse.com]
> Section 66.6 covers the exterior mirror replacement.
> At 03:59 PM 01/14/2002 -0800, amz at eskimo.com wrote:
> >Just got a brand new 2-volume Bentley for my 1988 5000s
> quattro.  Can't seem
> >to find a section that discusses replacing the outside,
> front door handles
> >or the passenger-side mirror.  Am I just missing something?
> What sections
> >would be most helpful?  This isn't supposed to be hard, but
> I just don't
> >want to do stupid things like bend some fragile, little
> clips somewhere.

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