SF Gate: Freak fire traps man inside Audi/Battery failure
a p ossible cause
Aleksander Mierzwa
alexaudi at kki.net.pl
Tue Jan 15 14:56:43 EST 2002
At 13:05 02-01-14 -0800, Mark L. Chang wrote:
>I know on later BMWs the doors could be "double-locked". Turn the key to
>lock and it locks all doors. Turn it further yet and it "really" locks all
>the doors, so that the plungers cannot be moved at all.
>Not believing this, I had a friend lock me in his mum's 318i (1998). Same
>deal. Straaange feature.
This feature is called "deadlock" and is meant to be an anti-theft measure.
You can't play the coat hanger trick on such car.
Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
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