troubleshooting a New Beetle info (NAC)
Stephen Kormilo
stephen at
Tue Jan 15 15:58:50 EST 2002
At 05:46 PM 14/01/02 -0500, Douglas Frank wrote:
>Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:03:00 -0500
>From: Douglas Frank <frank at>
>Organization: Center for Post-Apocalyptic Computing
>To: "quattro at" <quattro at>
>Subject: troubleshooting a New Beetle info (NAC)
>I just got a panicy (panicky?) phone call from my dear old mother,
>and after all the tears and stuff, this is what I've learned
>(I think):
>It sometimes (on cold mornings?) will crank for 1-2 revs,
>then quits; the "check engine" light is on.
>She got it running eventually and the dealer pulled codes:
> bad MAF
IIRC there was a problem with the air intake system on some VW cars, not
sure if the New Beetle was one of them. It appears that VW placed a fine
mesh screen somewhere in front of the air filter. Problem was that the
screen had a tendency to plug up with dust and other debris, restricting
intake airflow, eventually to the point where the MAF would overheat and
burn out. Don't know where you might go to verify this, VW TSB
site? Maybe the MAF failure could be attributed to this and VW would pick
up the repair??? Well, I know it's a 'long shot', but $700 is a lot
of money, especially when it's $US ;-)
> bad fuel pump relay
>$700+ to fix (hence the panic) and since I'm paying for it,
>some of those tears I mentioned are mine. I'd wrench it myself (or
>at least try to), but the car's in Florida and I'm freezing my butt
>off here in NH.
>I'm looking for wisdom repositories right now. Is there a New Beetle
>list that's as active and useful as this one is? Yahoo groups has a
>few, but they're very small (few subscribers). I can't seem to find
>an equivalent to Hell, I can't even find an equivalent
>Thanks for any pointers!
>Oh, the car's a 2K GL (I was too cheap to spring for a GLS. Bad, bad
>Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.
>ZKO 110 Spit Brook Rd. The older I get,
>603-884-0501 Nashua, NH USA 03062 the better I was.
Stephen Kormilo Silver '98.5 Audi A4 2.8QM
Instructor, Electronics Technology
Red River College
Winnipeg, MB
email: skormilo at
stephen at
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