Cold Start Question

Brian Devlin bdevlin at
Tue Jan 15 18:54:12 EST 2002

I thought I had the leaky injector syndrome on my 86 5ktq until I found out:
1. no fuel smell in the manifold after it sits.
2. firing the cold start injector by hand (i.e. jumper wires) starts it.
So it really seems like a lack of enrichment rather than flooding.
Anyway, in 86 + 87 the temp sensor that's supposed to run the show
has a single blue wire going to it and it is screwed into the block
in front of the water neck. It should have 60-1000 ohms. There is
another sender in the water neck with a blue wire and yellow or green
stripe. I still haven't figured out what that one does, but both give
the same resistance on my car. Maybe you could swap yours and try it
that way?
Info on this coolant sensor is, oddly enough, in the ignition section
of the Bentley, p.28.39.
Speaking of ambiguity in the Bentley, do you think my car has a
thermo-time switch, and where it might be?

>Question I can't tell from the Bently.. which temperature sender is used to
>control the cold start injector circuit. I figure that if I either ground or
>open ( The Bently will tell me the correct resistance) the corect temp.
>sender, the controller will be fooled into firing the cold start circuit,
>and I won't be stranded, and will be able to start running Max to work, and
>running the Techron through, without fear of being stranded until I can pull
>the injectors next weekend...
>Many thanks for your collective patience.
>I know that this was long winded, but it may save someone, somewhere the
>frusteration, anguish.. whatever of being stranded by leaking injector
>Mark.. humbled again
>Max '87 5KTQ  230K
>Gina '86 5KTQW 220K
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