Cold Start Question

Mark Woodland markwoodland at
Tue Jan 15 16:24:53 EST 2002

Question I can't tell from the Bently.. which temperature sender is used to
control the cold start injector circuit. I figure that if I either ground or
open ( The Bently will tell me the correct resistance) the corect temp.
sender, the controller will be fooled into firing the cold start circuit,
and I won't be stranded, and will be able to start running Max to work, and
running the Techron through, without fear of being stranded until I can pull
the injectors next weekend...
Many thanks for your collective patience.
I know that this was long winded, but it may save someone, somewhere the
frusteration, anguish.. whatever of being stranded by leaking injector
Mark.. humbled again
Max '87 5KTQ  230K
Gina '86 5KTQW 220K

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