Euro 90q20v Sport Bumpers Pics

Huw Powell audi at
Wed Jan 16 00:18:00 EST 2002

> > the point is this - US bumpers are designed to basically take a 5 mph
> > head-on hit and not sustain *any* damage to the car.  The euros aren't.
> >
> > Your insurance company, of course, will love you when you call with the
> > damage claim on your euro bumpers...
> Now explain this to me:

do I have to?

> 1: How often do you have a 5MpH collision?

every couple of years.

> 2: Why would you have a 5MpH collision (see my post in response to Javad)

rear ended by someone wathcing traffic and not me

> 3: *No* other damage? Paint chipping off the bumper? Bent chrome strip?
> Paint chips on body where bumper "rubbed"?

i suppose if my rear bumper had been brand new there might have been a
fresh scuff visible.

> 4: Why is a 2MpH collision not enough? Basically the only time you are
> "colliding" at those speeds, you are parallel parking, and does anyone
> parallel park at 5MpH?

an extra 3 mph of protection...

> 5: I really don't understand the rationale behind the 5MpH, except that the
> DOT needs to have a justification for the expense of the bureaucracy.

well, obviously.  to lower insurance costs presumably.

> Anyway, Alexander has informed me that there really isn't much difference
> between the E-spec V8Q bumpers and the DOT's, so in my particular case, this
> discussion is *unfortunately* not even pertinent.

the US Audi bumpers are aluminum beams supported by pairs of shock
absorbers.  that's why they stick out further.

as you say, if the V8's are the same, the discussion is not even
pertinent, you're stuck with 5 mph protection.  sorry.

Huw Powell

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