Proud new owner of 98 A6

DGraber460 at DGraber460 at
Wed Jan 16 16:55:09 EST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
In a message dated 1/16/2002 1:41:20 PM Mountain Standard Time,
rowe at writes:

> How can/do these companies offer warranties w/o ever seeing or checking
> out your car?

It matters not if the car is a piece of junk, since the small print exempts
all the poor condition parts from their coverage.
Most extended warranties are never used. When they are used the owner finds
out the small print "taketh away" in copious circumstances. They also then
have you conscripted for all the maintenance, as proof that the warranty will
apply. It basically is a win win for them.
Our company dealt with a consulting firm that counciled us to offer extended
warranties. The way they phrased it was that EW's are nothing more than the
quickest, & easiest method to increase profits. No equipment to buy, no more
product to produce, just more cash to take in.
There are indeed exceptions, but on the average, the above holds true.
FWIW we did _not_ take their advice.

Life is too short to drive boring reliable cars.

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