hard warm start (kinda long)

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Wed Jan 16 16:29:21 EST 2002

Hi all-
patient is an '84 Urquattro.  She is running pretty well right now....once
she's warmed up.  She still starts hard when she's warm.  Hot starts are
good, cold are so-so.

Cold start:
Starts right away with throttle input, idles for a few seconds and dies.
Second start up with throttle she usually does not die.  I can drive away
but must help with throttle input a little bit until she's warm.  Idle is a
little low.

Warm start:
after sitting for 10 to 15+ minutes--it consistently takes 3 tries for her
to start.  3rd try she'll start, sometimes a little rough and will need some
throttle to get the cobwebs out.

Hot start:
less than 10 minutes--starts right up.

I've replaced:
fuel pump check valve
fuel filter
installed fuel distributor rebuild kit--o-rings/"plunger"
Inj. cooler fan consistently DOES come on--85 deg C sensor
Brand new NGK BP6ET plugs

Injectors are apprx 5 years old.  What kind of life span are people seeing?
Every 6 months or so i run a bottle of Autobahn FI cleaner through with the
gas.  Recently I pulled a plug or two a few minutes after shutdown, looking
for a puddle on the pistons...saw nothing.  But?? sometimes you don't know.

Here's what really gets me:
Fuel pressure rises at start up over time.  Right now control pressure is at
53psi, which I believe is OK (49-55 is spec, yes?)  At shutdown, fuel
pressure immediately drops to 20 -25, with the needle bouncing around
between 20 and 25 psi.  After a minute or so, it stabilizes at 20 psi and
then slowly drops over time.  When we installed the FD rebuild kit  o-ring
and "plunger", we played with the washers, and at one point had more
pressure in the system so that at shutdown, pressure stayed at 43 psi, then
slowly dropped over time....but the car ran _horribly_.  It would buck under
heavy throttle.  This car is trying to me something....probably about fuel
pressure...but I don't know what.

Any input greatly appreciated!!

'84 ur

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