Proud new owner of 98 A6

Michael L. Riebs michael at
Wed Jan 16 21:30:31 EST 2002

> I did purchase an Extended Warranty Plan through the dealership that was
> offered by Ford.  It cost me approxamtely $2000 but being a previous owner
> of a 1990 90 (not a quatro:(    I have been introduced to Audi repairs,
> figured it was worth the extra insurance.

Obviousely there seem to be differing views here, But i would have done the
same, having had no previous experience - especially not bad!

> By the way we do live in Colorado are planing on heading for the hills
> weekend.  So far the car has been awesome!

And this is your first Audi Quattro??? Where have you been all these years?

Michael Riebs
Grand Rapids, MI
'90 V8Q (#7)
'98 A6Q Avant (#6)
Only 6 & 7 remain.

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