wtb. 3rd seat for 00 avant

Steve Kramer skramer at mac.com
Wed Jan 16 21:44:03 EST 2002

I'm putting this out again.  I'm looking for some who might have a 3rd
seat on their 99-02 a6 avant wagon who is interested in selling it to
me.  my avant has all the mounting holes and i bought it 2 weeks ago
when i traded in my 96 a6 wagon but it didn't come with the seat.

also if there are any other mailing lists that i should know about apart
from audiworld - please let me know.

Hope you can all help me.



'00 a6 avant  (elsa)
'96 a6 wagon (ingrid)
'95 a6 wagon (gretchen)
'89 200 turbo (gunther)

i like to name all my cars ;)  pretty crazy

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