MAC11B problem?

urq urq at
Mon Jan 21 06:49:24 EST 2002

... oftentimes these cut wires are only to establish modes in the ECU.  I
would imagine that one cut ground indicates to your ECU that you have a
manual trnasmission, and the other that your car is not a California model
... but you should confirm this for yourself ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> While trying to figure out my coolant sensor problem, I noticed
> something strange on my ECU harness: the wires at positions 6 and 34
> have been cut. The wiring diagram shows that these would go to
> ground, but I can't see the other ends. Is this an undocumented
> factory change or some bad re-engineering (and maybe the cause of my
> problem)?

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