ecu for a6 avant

Brett Dikeman brett at
Mon Jan 21 22:45:59 EST 2002

At 7:10 PM -0600 1/21/02, Rob Andrews wrote:
>Not much you can do.  You can do a GIAC chip, but it'll get you 5-10hp at
>best.  The only real thing you can do is the PES supercharger

heh, I don't think "not much" describes anything about the PES
supercharger...price($5k I think?) or performance(300hp.)

There aren't a huge number of wagons running around with 300hp :-)

Probably gives the a6 4.2 a serious run for its money...

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin	(PGP Public Key)

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