Subject: Ticket Update

Christopher Ritchie critchie1 at
Thu Jan 24 14:58:05 EST 2002

>     I can't believe mine eyeballs.  I made a request for a continuance
>on my college schedule.  I filed a proper motion in writing with an
>schedule only to have it denied by the honorable Charon A. True (laughable
>name for a judge).  My schedule runs right through my court time and
>thensome, amazing!
>     Oh well I know it's time to try and make a deal on this one, or maybe
>should be filing another motion with the court about the continuance
>     Plus they've got my name wrong on all the forms involved in this case,
>my name is not A.L. Vangerbug.

I hate to be the one to break the bad news to you, but you've got this all
wrong.  No offense, but you don't get it.  And you do want to "get it"
before they hang your ass.

If they didn't laugh, they were insulted at your request for a continuance
based upon your college schedule.  You can't be serious.  You may get a
continuance for a medical emergency.  Their schedule is much more important
than yours.

Your attitude towards the judge is also all wrong.  If he senses that,
you're toast.

Don't embarass yourself by bringing up the misspelling of your name.  It
doesn't mean anything WRT your case.  You are sufficiently identified so
that there is no mistake on whether the yhave the right guy in front of

You need a member of the local Bar to give you some advice.  You are going
down the wrong path here.  If I remember correctly you were grabbed in a
state that's not the one where you live.  You're an out-of-state driver in
their eyes.  They jail those people sometimes.  There's reciprocity with all
50 states DMVs now.  An out-of-state conviction will carry the full force
and effect with your state's DMV.  Your state could yank your license.

Also if I remember correctly, you are guilty of what they grabbed you for,
right?  Yes, there is some argument over the details and the extent, but
essentially they caught you fair and square, and you mostly did what they
said you did.

I'm being a little harsh here to shock you into an attitude change.  You
need to change if you are to stand any chance of success with this thing.

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