Shine Racing Services & Spring Tech Session

Sean Ford audi_92_100cs at
Thu Jan 24 11:28:16 EST 2002

I had my maintenance work performed at Shine Racing Services yesterday,
they're definitely running a cool shop there.

I usually bring a box of synthetic oil with me, but I forgot to pick it
up this time. The result? 6 bottles at $8 a pop for Mobil 1 10w30.
Ouch. I usually go through WalMart and get it at about half of that.

Luckily, my wife was there when they told me that my shocks are nearing
the end of their useful life. I say "luckily" because she probably
wouldn't believe me if I told her that it was time for a full set of
Bilsteins :) I asked Eli at the SRS to put together an estimate for me
for both a Bilstein and a Boge replacement. I'm a bit thrilled about

I also mentioned to Eli that a few folks from the quattro email list
would be interested in tech session and he is all for the idea. All
we'd have to do is set up a date and I suspect let them know what we'd
like to discuss beforehand so they can prepare. I think this is a great
way to learn a little something about our cars, while at the same time
giving SRS some good business prospects.

All in all, I'm really happy to have found a local garage that I like
with a real performance slant rather than the usual fix it and get it
out the door mentality. Oh, and it's a 35 minute walk from my house,
how's that for lucky?!

PS - while I was there, Dick Shine had an '01 Audi A4 1.8t up on the
lift. Dick was busy installing a larger turbo and performance exhaust
for a woman who was going to use the car for the "One Lap of America".
I'm not sure why I think that is so amazingly cool, but I do know that
that scenario would never have played out at any other garage I've used
before. :D

Sean Ford
audi_92_100CS at
'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd non-q
'00 Triumph Daytona 955i
'89 Suzuki Katana 600

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