Ticket Update - Final Brief for Review
Erik Gerrits
erik_gerrits at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 27 20:51:12 EST 2002
I got a ticket this summer on my motorcycle. I was at
an intersection stopped. Made a right turn and it was
a tenth of a mile till it turned 55, I was in a 35
zone. So I accelerated up to 55. The cop pulled me
over and gave me a ticket for going 57 in a 35. In
the state of Wisconsin that is enough to lose your
license. So I went in on my court date and talked to
the village attorney. He said what was I looking for,
I said I needed to keep my license. So he kept it at
the same price ($145) and made it a 10-15 over (a 4
point deduction. Personally I think that you are
making to much of this and should just go in an plead
no contest and to see if the court will give you a
lesser fine.
--- Alexander van Gerbig <Audi_80 at email.msn.com>
> Howdy folks! Well after feverishly working for
> the past week with a
> great fellow through the NMA I have finished my
> brief and case preparation
> for my court case on this coming Tuesday. For those
> who don't remember or
> haven't been around, I was charged with 69mph in a
> 35mph zone in Shelburne,
> VT. It is literally impossible for anyone to calmly
> travel at that speed in
> the are where I was ticketed, plus the officer was
> heading towards me
> supposedly with moving radar on and functioning
> properly.
> The real argument I should be going after is
> that when cresting a hill
> the moving radar clocking the cruiser speed may have
> completely lost contact
> with the side of the road causing the unit to
> believe the cruiser was not
> moving or moving very slowly, possibly the cosine
> error occurred in this
> case as well due to the two tight corners where he
> met me head on. Since
> the cruiser speed display is only refreshed 2 times
> a second it may have
> never visually registered as a slower or even 0mph
> speed. I may have just
> caught this exact moment when the radar clocked
> speed of the cruiser was at
> a very low rate, thus the extra actual speed of his
> car is added to my speed
> by the radar equipment. BUT this is next to
> impossible to prove, so nuts to
> that, secondary case.
> Take a look at the brief...
> http://www.uvm.edu/avangerb/~finalbrief.doc.
> The brief explains in quite a lengthy fashion how
> federal guidelines for
> determining the speed limit in question have been
> ignored. I have 25-30
> pages of supporting evidence on top of this brief
> and should manage to tie
> up the court for quite a while if the judge would
> like me to present the
> case vs. just taking the brief, reading it, and
> making a ruling later. Not
> sure how it will all go down, but I've got a whole
> gameplan set up.
> Tell me what y'all think and wish me luck!
> Thanks again for the
> support!
> Alexander van Gerbig
> '91 200q20v (Crunched)
> '90 90q20v (Sport)
> '88 80t (R.I.P)
> Europrice-----------------------
> http://www.euro-audi-parts.com
> The Audi 80 Pages---------
> http://surf.to/the80pages.com
> North Ferrisburg, VT 05473
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