[200q20v] RE: Hakka dis, hakka dat...

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Thu Jan 31 11:21:32 EST 2002

At 5:11 PM +0200 1/31/02, Piirainen Antti wrote:
>If Nokian products in different markets don't differ that much, then the
>choice is actually yours, and yours only, since Hakkapeliitta 1s are
>studded, and Qs are not (friction tyres, as they call 'em).

AFAIK, Hakka 1s are "studdable", they are _not_ necessarily studded
(at least here in the US).

I did elect to have my Hakka 1s studded when buying them a few years
ago. I neglected to enquire at that time about Nokian's eco-studs, so
because of my ignorance, I guess I merely got garden-variety
studding. My Hakkas have had very few miles (under 10K) driven during
the past 3 seasons and seem to have about 90% of original tread
remaining.  However while driving in the last year's  NEQ Winter
Driving School, I managed to dislodge about 30% of the studs on these
tires. I am using 195/60-15 mounted on a set of "turbo" alloy rims.
These tires are noisey enough that I'm very pleased to get them off
in the spring. I suppose I'd be a lot happier noise-wise if they were
not studded. YMMV.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *

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