Hakka dis, hakka dat...

Piirainen Antti antti.piirainen at camline.fi
Thu Jan 31 17:26:44 EST 2002

My vote on that one, too... Would also prevent me from sending many more
Frequently Posted Answers to FAQs ;)

Antti Piirainen
Software Engineer, Camline Corporation
tel..: +358-5-621 4200             direct: +358-5-621 4229
fax..: +358-5-621 4242             gsm...: +358-40-522 2772
email: antti.piirainen at camline.fi  www...: http://www.camline.fi/

-----Original Message-----
From: JordanVw at aol.com [mailto:JordanVw at aol.com]
Sent: 31. tammikuuta 2002 17:18
To: antti.piirainen at camline.fi; brett at cloud9.net; quattro at audifans.com
Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Hakka dis, hakka dat...

i vote we create a seperate list for tire threads...     alot more bandwith
used up on that subject.. no?

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