Stereo with BASSSSSSS

pasquale pilato pasqualep99 at
Tue Jul 2 16:04:51 EDT 2002

I love bass, and I fit 2 12" Cervin Vegas in the trunk
of my 1990 100q.  I bought the box in NYC for $40.
The subs are dual coils and can handle over 500 watts
each and are 2ohm.  What I did was take out that
little crappy spare tire.  I figured out where I
wanted the box and screwed it to the cardboard cover
for the spare with the carpet in place.  Then I cut
the front of the cover off but you can't see it, its
under the carpet.  Reason for this is the box is so
big, it won't fit in the trunk unless you put one
corner into the spare tire hole, then angle the other
one in.  With the front of the cover off, I can slide
the box into place.  I mounted an amp and crossovers
(for the components on the back deck) to the top of
the box.  All the wires are behind the box, and I
still have enough room for 2 female weekend bags, and
thats if I don't use the space under the box, or
behind it.  The set up is sweet, and it took 3 weeks
and a whole mess of tries to get this one.  The bass
rocks, and I'm thinking about replacing the subs.  The
are about 6 years old, my Rockford Fosgate amp is new,
and I know I can get tighter bass with some new subs.

--- TM <t44tq at> wrote:
> With all of the listers out there, I'm sure some of
> you have
> installed a serious stereo in your cars, no?
> I'd like to know what you all have done in terms
> subwoofers.
> I'm looking at getting a dual voice coil 10" sub in
> a sealed
> enclosure, each coil being fed 160W and have only to
> select the
> sub and the installer.
> One shop is recommending a JL 10W3, sounds like a
> decent selection
> to me, w/ custom enclosure will run me about $375.
> Any thoughts on this? I'm going w/ a 10" due to
> space limitations
> and the fact that I don't want the sub to take up
> too much trunk space.
> Will probably mount the sub between the gas tank and
> the rear deck,
> up against the rear seat bulkhead. I just haven't
> figured out how to
> mount it just yet.
> Taka

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