Fuse for taillights/parking lamps?

Matt S. theonlymattman007 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 2 22:09:22 EDT 2002

Last night, I was wiring the light for my boost gauge,
and attempted to find the right wire so that I could
wire the bulb with the gauge lights, so that I would
end up with a stock appearance.

I found the right wire so that when I turned on the
lights, the gauge would turn on, but then the next
time I tried it, it didn't work..I couldn't figure out
what went wrong. I didn't think anything of it at the
time, and just wired the gauge to the ignition-on
wire, which is fine for the time being.

I didn't realize that whatever I did knocked out the
parking lamps and taillights until last night, when I
met a friend to give away some Scirocco seats, and he
mentioned that I had no taillights.

Maybe there is a fuse (or a relay, with my luck) for
the tails+parking lamps that I killed? Maybe in the
aux. relay panel, maybe in the underhood relay panel?

If anyone knows, please write me very soon..I have a
feeling that the local authorities wont appreciate me
running around w/o taillamps :O

If I need to get in the steering col. cover to fix
this (please no!), I'm wondering what to do.
Instructions in the Audifans archives tell me to pull
the horn off and undo the large bolt, but I have an
airbag, and I'm worried that I will break an arm
attempting this procedure. I would appreciate someone
telling me what the proper procedure is, if its
necessary to get in there.

Help me! (common typ44 owner statement :)

89.5 200 Turbo Quattro
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