FW: '84 CGT Wiring nightmare

Comcast shoemakersp at comcast.net
Thu Jul 4 23:56:20 EDT 2002

One more rather important tidbit that I forgot to mention is that when I
turn the key off, the engine has continued to run for about 30 sec or so.
Not like it is dieseling, but running.  I will be checking the switch and it
has been recommended to me to test the coil to see if it is still being
charged during that run on time.  My first priority at this point is to look
for the mysterious ground.

I have been reading these archives for well over a year now and this is the
first time I have had a question that I really couldn't find an answer to.
I will try to keep this concise, while making it complete.
  Just for the background info the beast in question is an early build '84
(12/83) with the WE solid lifter engine, CIS and a 5spd.  I have been
steadily remedying its myriad of problems, but I have quite a few that are
not fixing themselves and I am starting to smell a common thread.
  Here is a list of what does not work (that I can think of); dash gauges,
fuel pump, back up lights, turn signals and the horn.  there are possibly
one or two others.  Most everything else works, including lights and
hazards.  When I acquired the car it already had a wire running to the fuel
pump so that it would run.  The car used to run fine, but I never ran it
very long because of a few major vacuum leaks.  All of those are fixed now.
  Now if I start with jumping the battery off of my truck it runs fine, but
as soon as I take the cables off it begins to die out and it is not
charging.  I tried two batteries with the same results.  I checked the
voltage on the alternator and it was making 1.5V.  I had it tested and it
was working, but not to spec.  I replaced the alternator and now I have 2.5V
on it.  The voltmeter in the car shows whatever is left in the battery.  I
am now turning my attention toward a short.
  This is where all of the non-working stuff comes in.  Looking at the
Bentley diagrams I see that all of my problem children run off of the load
reduction relay.  I swapped it for a known good unit from another car with
no effect (yes I took my cheater wire off first).  Looking harder at the
diagram I see that this circuit seems to share a ground(8) with the starter
and it says that it is located on the right side of the engine compartment.
I do not have the car where I am and I want to have as much information as
possible when I go down to work on it.  This ground sounds suspect to me, or
possibly the power side.  If anyone has any insight on this I would welcome
it.  Also and most importantly I could use a little more help with the
location of grounding point #8.
  Thank you in advance. You have helped me immensly in the past, especially
Huw Powell and those who have authored the do-it-yourself guides and relay
charts that are posted on that site.  I am in a hurry, cause I only have a
week left on my MD 15 day tag and I still need an alignment for my brand new
front end.
-Sean Shoemaker
'84 Coupe GT WE 5spd (red, or will be again soon)
'84 Coupe GT KX auto (white, just had to say goodbye, RIP)

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