group purchase of viton vac line?

Rob Andrews randrews at
Sun Jul 7 09:12:19 EDT 2002

I think a key facet you forgot to mention is what the price is now and what
you hope to get it to :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
> Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 11:37 PM
> To: quattro at
> Subject: group purchase of viton vac line?
> Anyone out there interested in a group purchase of viton hose of
> appropriate size(s) for our cars?
> It has excellent oil resistance and it temp rated to 400 degrees;
> tests by an RX-7 club show it really stands up to hot oil etc.  Some
> of our cars even have viton o-rings in various places from the
> factory.
> The key is getting enough people to be able to buy 100 or more feet
> of the stuff to get the price down.
> I measured the ECU line on my 200q20v; it looks like 4mm ID, 8mm OD,
> 2MM wall.  I -think- there is another size, smaller, used in a few
> places on the 200q20v; I have no idea about other cars.
> I also have no idea how much hose each particular engine/car uses; if
> you know from experience, please email me!  Note we are talking about
> engine vacuum lines, not including climate/locking/diff control.
> Any info people could provide will go into a summary web page; nobody
> has a page with this info(I don't think.)  I'm also going to include
> info on what style the OEM clamps are(ear clamps seems to be the
> official name), some recommendations for replacements(wide band
> spring clamps) and so on.
> Brett
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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