What's this brake part? 5kcstq

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 9 16:14:39 EDT 2002

It's a second brake pressure regulator for the right
rear wheel.  This wheel seems to be the most unloaded
(and most easily locked up) under braking.  The first
regulator is just ahead of the left rear wheel and
reduces pressure to both rear wheels based on the
pitch of the car.  This one further reduces that
pressure to the right rear.

Jim Accordino

--- B Vibert <blur at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> I've loaned my Bentley to a friend again so I can't
> look this up.  But
> anyway,  I'd replacing brake lines and ran into this
> little cylinder
> mounted to the right-rear frame which the brake line
> runs into,
> another line coming out of the other end continuing
> to the flex-line.
> What the heck is it?
> Burl Vibert
> 1987 5kcstq
> Kingston, Ontario

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