Brake light & more

Robert Deis rdeis at
Thu Jul 11 12:57:40 EDT 2002

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Ron Soderberg wrote:

> 1. Brake light stays on after car is started. The bomb is new and the
> system has been check out by mechanic and found to be working o.k. Any
> idea as to what may be causing the light to stay on?

Pentosin level low
Brake fluid level low
Failed sensor for system health or for fluid levels above.
Failed/corroded sensor or connector wiring for sensors.

My 86 has this proproblem intermittently, I'll post a the fix once I track
it down.

  Rob Deis                  "Let the people know beforehand what the law
  MiB3347                      is and what they are to expect."
  rdeis at                              -- 18th Congress, Rec. 75

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