EFI- Can you use the hall effect sensor from an S4??????

Ken auditude at get.net
Thu Jul 11 15:18:32 EDT 2002

For the 034EFI it might probably work.  You're talking about the main coil wire, which passes high tension current for each of the 5 cylinders.

Of course it wouldn't work for someone trying to run direct ignition where it needs to trigger the firing of the plugs, because of the chicken and egg thing.

Hmm.  Maybe I don't need an actual factory single window sensor for the AAN.  I, or someone needing such, could use a cam gear mounted piece of metal and an aftermarket hall sensor.  A single window would be cleaner than a 5 window.  Perhaps it could be on the back of the cam.  I'll have to check that out.

For the money the stock AAN cam position sensor goes for, maybe I can use the busted and worn out guts of a 20v distributor for some kind of homebrew single window setup.  Any hard parts would get me that much closer, rather than having to machine something up from scratch (that attempted to be more economical than buying a stock one.

Hey, actually maybe I just need the AAN "shutter wheel" that mounts behind the cam gear, and then use any old hall sensor to be triggered by it.  The shutter wheel is mentioned here:


I'd like more info on this shutter wheel piece, if anyone's got any, please.

I found an old post where a q-lister gave another q-lister some info on the cam position sensor, including pics.  I hit Aaron up for a copy just now, haven't heard back yet.  Here's the link:




Quoting Jim Green <jeg1976 at yahoo.com>:
> --- Jason <type44_5k at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hmm, methinks the sensor i am talking about mounts
> > by the valve cover on the AAN.  I guess I am looking
> > for options from the parts bin that might make it look
> > more inconspicous.  How is the project coming along
> > Ken????
> >
> > Jason
> http://www.turbofast.com.au/autronic/sensors.html
> Check out the Sync Reference pickup.  If you could
> stick that on the coil wire, it could eliminate the
> need for a 5 window distributer or cam trigger.  I
> think someone should try it.
> =====
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5
> http://www.geocities.com/jeg1976/car_home.html

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