grease powered diesel Audi's.

Ed Birch edwbirch at
Fri Jul 12 11:30:02 EDT 2002

Ken wrote......

> Has anyone heard of anyone converting an Audi diesel car over to run off
> vegetable oil (used or new)?

More than a dozen years ago, a fellow in upstate New York ran an old VW
Diesel on used fast-food cooking oil.  According to the article, he ran a
50-50 mixture of used veggie cooking oil and diesel fuel or home heating
oil. They said the cars exhaust smelled like whatever foods oil it was
burning; sort of made you hungry!  I believe that he ran afoul with the NY
motor fuel taxation people!

About 15 years ago, I used straight .48 @ gallon home heating oil in an old
MB 240 Diesel.
Worked well until we got a cold weather snap!!

A Diesel engine will run on damn near anything resembling fuel, much to the
chagrin of OPEC.

Ed Birch, 93-100S
KOP, Pa.

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