grease powered diesel Audi's.

Steven Sprague ssprague at
Fri Jul 12 12:44:16 EDT 2002

Ok, this jogged my memory too,

    When I used to live in the city of Sacramento and commute to work on city
streets and talked to a guy who converted a VW Rabbit Pickup from gas to
electric.  He was looking for a A2 Jetta to convert.  It was neat to see someone
other than the car companies creating an air friendly vehicle.  He could have
used a 2wd 4k coupe instead which would have turned Audiphiles heads.


steinbru at wrote:

> Ref:  Your note of Fri, 12 Jul 2002 10:50:01 -0400 (attached)
> I used to see that car around here all the time.  It smelled like a
> hundred burning skillets.  Mostly he used filtered deep fryer oil from
> his and other local restaurants and mixed with regular diesel I beleive.
> Rambling mode=on
> Around the same time my neighbor drove to work in a small pickup from
> which he had removed the motor and tranny and replaced with a military
> surplus motor/generator run by a quarter ton of car batteries in the
> bed.  The resistor for current limit was a wavey strip of stainless
> steel that stuck up over the cab (so the air would blow on it).
> Rambling mode=off
> All that said, I must mention that I have an '83 Quantum Turbo-diesel
> which is the VW eqivalent of the old 5K's (MAC ;-) just waiting out back
> for some fryer oil (and a starter repair and some exhaust work).  --Gary
> ----------------------------- Note follows ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 10:50:01 -0400
> From: <David.Ullrich at>
> To: <edwbirch at>, <quattro at>
> Subject: RE: grease powered diesel Audi's.
> If you want to run a diesel on pure veggie oil, all you really have to do i=
> s add a pre-heater to the tank & fuel lines to thin it out a bit. It's a pr=
> etty common conversion on boats. On my boat, I run 100% BioDiesel, no conve=
> rsion needed. Of course the "pre-converted" biodiesel cost MORE than regula=
> r diesel, but it has vastly lower emissions and NO soot. On my boat I only =
> burn about 20 gallons a year so the extra cost is very little. If you want =
> to clean up your car, I'd suggest running 25% bio and 75% regular petrol di=
> esel. That would only add about $0.10 per gallon to the costs and reduce em=
> issions by something like 75%. Check out the BioDiesel site at http://www.b=
> Dave
> Too Many Toys:
> 2002 VW Jetta GLS 1.8T Tiptronic
> 1993 RX-7 R1
> 1987.5 Audi Coupe GT "Special Build" 2.3 - Anthracite Black
> 1985 Chevy Impala Interceptor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Birch [mailto:edwbirch at]
> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 10:30 AM
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Re: grease powered diesel Audi's.
> Ken wrote......
> > Has anyone heard of anyone converting an Audi diesel car over to run off
> of
> > vegetable oil (used or new)?
> More than a dozen years ago, a fellow in upstate New York ran an old VW
> Diesel on used fast-food cooking oil.  According to the article, he ran a
> 50-50 mixture of used veggie cooking oil and diesel fuel or home heating
> oil. They said the cars exhaust smelled like whatever foods oil it was
> burning; sort of made you hungry!  I believe that he ran afoul with the NY
> motor fuel taxation people!
> About 15 years ago, I used straight .48 @ gallon home heating oil in an old
> MB 240 Diesel.
> Worked well until we got a cold weather snap!!
> A Diesel engine will run on damn near anything resembling fuel, much to the
> chagrin of OPEC.
> Ed Birch, 93-100S
> KOP, Pa.

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