European impressions; I must vent my frustration

mike mikemk40 at
Sun Jul 14 02:18:49 EDT 2002

try malta....used to be 200 or 300% import duty on

couple that with no MOT test and you have a recipe for
lots of 60's anglias morris 1000s etc still in use

i think it's changed over the last few years but still
a lot of old ones about


 --- Jim Haseltine <Jim at> wrote: >

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jenny Curtis" <jenny at>
> >As to your European impressions Ed, I agree it's a
> bummer that "classic"
> Audis aren't >appreciated in their homeland.  I
> think part of it is that
> it's rare to see older cars on the >road in Europe,
> period.  I don't know
> why.
> Mostly its because we've got damn silly laws. Each
> vehicle that I want to
> use on the road has to pass inspection every year
> and then costs me another
> GBP160 in excise charge. Any vehicle that has been
> used on the road since
> some time in 1999 (I think) that I want to store
> off-road has to be declared
> as such every 12 months.
> To cap it all, the latest idea put forward by our
> public 'servants' is that
> ALL vehicles no matter what condition, on-road,
> off-road, stored, broken
> down, stripped for repair or restoration should be
> subject to the same
> GBP160 charge every year.
> After 2007, the manufacturers will be responsible
> for the cost of destroying
> vehicles that have reached the end of their lives,
> until then, the cost is a
> hit on the last owner, so people try to avoid that.
> I'm willing to bet that
> come 2007, certain parties work along the lines that
> they are only
> responsible for cars made AFTER that date.....
> Regards,
> Jim Haseltine

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