Audi Caravan

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Mon Jul 15 20:11:28 EDT 2002

Michael Riebs / Audi V8 wrote:
 > Left lane = PASSING lane! And yes, as
 > such, it is faster than the right lane,

I'm sure it's an anomaly, but around Boston MA (Rte 128,
Rte 93 to NH), the right lane is often the fast lane.

As people enter the highway, they don't want to be in the
"slow" lane, so they pull into the center lane, slowing it down.
The left ("fast") lane is where all the speeders run; if someone
taps their brakes, the effect is to slow down the whole lane. If
you stay to the right lane, you find space opening up as cars
exit the highway. You also can maintain a slow but steady pace.
And as they say, "slow and steady wins the race."

I often stay to the right to make good time.


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