Audi Caravan

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Mon Jul 15 23:49:42 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Boy Huw, you sure are free with the right/wrong judgements these days (and to
address Kevin P).

First off, if I were going to speed, I wouldn't do it until the next car
showed up on the freeway and then slow down until he politely moves over.
Here is Ca, there are _always_ other cars on the road, so speeding means
dealing with other cars.  I use my signal, and I don't pass at the last
second, I'm not stupid, I don't *want* to get myself in a high speed
accident, but driving fast occasionally on an open 5 lane freeway means that
one takes on some risk in doing so.

There is no sure fire (right/wrong) way to speed, its inherently more
dangerous passing cars at high rates of speed.  Any practical discussion
would end there.

Now, if one does decide to speed, then there are not any guaranteed ways to
consistently lower the risk.  If I was approaching someone with a 20mph
differential, I would do the passing no less than 1/8 mile in advance, and
using a signal.  But insead of approaching someone with that speed
differential and *hoping* they will move over is not sensible to me, I get in
the clear lane (with plenty of buffer time), and pass them at speed.

Another thing that you have to remember, in my car, I can be cruising at 70
in 5th, crack the throttle half way and in 10 seconds or so be doing 100.
Flooring it brings 100 even more quickly, not to mention downshifting.  Then,
I can shed off speed easily too, say from 100 back to 70 in 5 or 6 seconds
under threshold braking.  It doesn't take me 1/2 mile to build up speed, I
choose it when I want, faster, slower, very effortlessly.

Try driving a car like that for a while and tell me you won't occasionally
pass someone going 20+ mph faster than they are, its very easy, and
enjoyable, its not a racetrack mentality at all, why do you think they sell
Corvettes, M5's and the such??  Granted, some old farts on this list won't
(and never have) understood that.

Anyway, this is my last post on this thread, what I've said isn't up for
right or wrong judgements, its the way I drive, I'm an adult with a clean
driving record with no accidents.


> > 2) If for some reason you are in the fast lane, and a car is fast
> approaching you (say 20+mph), MY preference would be that you stay and I go
> around you (this is so I don't rear end you).
> this is wrong, really wrong, especially if illegal speeds are part of
> the picture.  Except where passing on the right (slow side) is legal,
> sure, the car on the left should be paying attention and get out of the
> way - but if they don't the lear jet pilot behind them should SLOW DOWN,
> and if the only way around the slower car is the "wrong way," do it
> safely, ie no more than 5-10 mph faster than them.
> You've already established that they might not know you are there - so
> YOU need to exercise caution not knowing what their reaction to seeing
> you behind them will be.
> When you are breaking the speed laws (and don't we all?), the highway
> does not turn into your personal racetrack. The default condition for
> any kind of safety is *always* to return to legal operation before
> demanding that other drivers start to follow your "race track rules."
> And no one has even mentioned *signalling* before these lane changes
> yet...

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