Belgian Waffled? was traffic cop

Mihnea Cotet mik at
Wed Jul 17 18:36:38 EDT 2002

At 11:28 17/07/2002 -0400, Suffolk GameServer LAN wrote:

>That's funny.  The rest of the world does speak english well.
>-Scott in BOSTON
>I once had a very nice chat with  Belgian traffic cop
>who exlained to me (in perfect English) that the speed
>limit was (((130 KILOMETERS an hour not 130 MILES))) an

Huh???? 130 Kilometers in Belgium? Can't be! The speed limit in Belgium (on
freeways at least) is 120 km/h since at least 1973. 130km/h is the legal
limit in France and the advised speed in Germany.

Just my 0.02 Belgian Euro (quite equivalent to 0.02 Dollars nowadays :-) ),


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