Belgian Waffled? was traffic cop

mike mikemk40 at
Fri Jul 19 23:04:27 EDT 2002

it was 1993 or memory is not what it

One thing i do remember vividly from that trip was
coming across a pair of trabants in Germany. Me doing
about 120 and them doing maybe 35. I pulled out to
pass...a few secs later the back trabant did the same
and pulled out to pass the front one at about 36mph,
leaving me with not very much space in which to lose
about 85mph. I did it but only just.


--- Mihnea Cotet <mik at> wrote: > At
11:28 17/07/2002 -0400, Suffolk GameServer LAN
> wrote:
> >That's funny.  The rest of the world does speak
> english well.
> >-Scott in BOSTON
> >
> >I once had a very nice chat with  Belgian traffic
> cop
> >who exlained to me (in perfect English) that the
> speed
> >limit was (((130 KILOMETERS an hour not 130
> MILES))) an
> >hour.
> Huh???? 130 Kilometers in Belgium? Can't be! The
> speed limit in Belgium (on
> freeways at least) is 120 km/h since at least 1973.
> 130km/h is the legal
> limit in France and the advised speed in Germany.
> Just my 0.02 Belgian Euro (quite equivalent to 0.02
> Dollars nowadays :-) ),
> Mihnea

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