A/C compressor rebuild

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Wed Jul 17 15:52:20 EDT 2002

Sure, I'd love to.
I keep a copy of this in my sent items for firing off.
The info I wrote up is for resealing the compressor.  If your compressor is weak though, I don't have the info on getting new reed valves or rings, but here goes.  The kits will come with all the seals and gaskets you need, including the ones for the fittings on top of the compressor.

I don't have an Audi part number, as the dealership doesn't sell the kit.  The numbers that I have are from CCi, which is the company that makes the York compressors now.  The best place to get the seals is at a Freightliner truck dealership.  Their parts counter should be able to get these for you.  You may have to mention that they are a CCi parts number, as it isn't a freightliner number.
I installed mine, took about an hour and a half of actual work when I had the compressor on the bench.  Took more time though, because I cleaned everything up nicely.

Part numbers are:
 488-25274 (seal kit) cost was $15. Comes with o-ring, felt seal, centering tool, and bolts

 488-16316 (gasket set) cost was $6  (this was a little harder for them to get, but they found it right away)

Took them about a week to get the gasket set in, so that was a hold up.

All of the instructions are on the CCi website.  This is the link to the manuals.  They're pretty helpful, and have lots of pictures.

You will probably need a clutch removal tool as well.  I think this is available at your FLAPS.  It is shown in the manual.  I kind of improvised, using a big pipe clamp, and some wrenches.

The other good part is that the Freightliner places are usually open 24 hours a day, to help out truckers who need parts, so you can go there as late as you wish.

Let me know if I can provide any more info.

Good Luck!
Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq--  Chillin on the way home, even with a weak (but resealed) compressor.
93' 90 CS
83' 944

>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>Hey all. Can any one give some insight on how to replace the seals in the A/C
>compressor that's used on the 85 urq? I think its the same as on my 86 4kq. I
>found a leak using yellow dye around the pulley shaft and also around one of
>the hoses where it attaches to the top of the compressor.


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