10v 90q calipers on a 20v & history of warping

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Jul 18 22:04:15 EDT 2002

Not sure which end of the car you're talking about Megan, but I think the
10V cars have unvented rotors while the newer models have vented rotors.

At 08:30 PM 07/18/2002 -0400, WAUFX at aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 7/10/02 9:35:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>chris at force5auto.com writes:
> > Why downgrade the system it came with? If it's a cost issue, I'll swap you
> >  for the rotors on my 90q20v, rather than see you fit smaller brakes.
>Thanks for your offer. I've been investigating this posibility, and the 20v
>and 10v 90s take the same rotor, 256 x 22 mm. The only difference is that the
>offset is different for the 20v. The offset, to my knowledge, is how far the
>rotor is from the wheel, no?
>Wouldn't this mean that the brakes are equal in terms of braking power and
>that a switch to 10 calipers wouldn't hurt? Or does it mean that a switch to
>10v calipers wouldn't be possible without changing the hubs/struts as well?

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