3B conversion has started!

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Sun Jul 21 00:02:41 EDT 2002

Fellow listers,

I've started the conversion last night by unbolting the hood and the
bumper, plus all the associated small items around that area. I've also
made an unboltable front "a la Huw" on Brendan's car and that was all...

Today I pulled the old engine out (309.000 kms, that's almost 200k miles),
cleaned the engine bay as much as I could, removed the battery tray for
future welding in the trunk and started preparing the 3B for the
conversion, e.g. I swapped the engine mounts, installed the engine bay side
wiring harness, adapted the heater water hoses and so on...

Pulling the engine took me 4 hours, which is pretty good I guess, though
not yet a record IMO :-)

So tomorrow I'll drop the 3B in (yes, "drop it in"), fabricate some oil
cooler mounts and start the biggest thing that this conversion is about,
install the harness at the fuse box, then I'll have to work on the front
core support to be able to install the 200 IC. I won't go the URq IC route
because of the long delay for the Samco hose kit (4 weeks!) and because the
200's IC hoses are in a perfect shape...

Now, I'd like to know where I could hook the tach signal to, in order to
have a proper tach reading... I found that the type 89 cars had this signal
from the ignition module (at least the european cars), but where do the
type 85 cars get it from? The wire that supplies this signal to the type 89
cars is the #7 connection on the TSZ-H module, but my car has no wire
attached to that connection...

Anyway, I'll keep you posted tomorrow on how things work (wish me luck!!!)
and thanks for your answers!

Mihnea, going to dream-land! :)

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