3B conversion, I need help with the clutch

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Sun Jul 21 22:36:52 EDT 2002


As some of you already know, the 3B didn't want to go into my coupe quattro
so I've pulled it out again and pulled the clutch (I'll realign it for good
this way)...

Could someone tell me wether a late MC2 flywheel, clutch plate and pressure
plate (AFAIK they are the same as the 3B ones) actually fit a 4kq's 016
gearbox and release bearing? Does the pilot bearing need to be swapped
between both engine types or something? Maybe this is where I've gone
wrong, I don't know but I'll find out later (hopefully with your help!)...

Anyway, thanks for your answers in advance!

Mihnea, tired and still 20vt- and car-less :-(

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