(1.8t PHOOIE!!!!) Turbo 4000Q conversion idea

R. Mair waves at epix.net
Tue Jul 23 18:27:00 EDT 2002

Josh &Carlos... I've heard of quite a few 1.8t failures. None of my
customers yet, but then again, most are stock. I know the bone yards I deal
with are selling these engine rather quickly, while older 10vt and NA motors
sit for a very long time. DING DING!! What does that tell you? Actually,
some of those 1.8's are shot because of T.belt failures, but again, there
have been a few ventilated blocks due to hard use and modifications.

 Chipping an early 1.8t won't kill it. However, chipping and flowing will
entice a driver to use his new given power frequently, resulting in more
strain on the engine than usual. Josh, you got 40k miles on your worked
1.8?? That's good, but the HP figures you are pushing are still relatively

And Carlos, I've spent over 80 hours at Bosch technical headquaters in the
past few years, and am good friends with the NE region Audi rep. My facts
are quite straight when it comes to knowing what these motors were intended
for and what their limitations are.

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