re. HELP! 4kq front control arm removal problem

Ben Swann bswann at
Thu Jul 25 00:44:55 EDT 2002


Try -

1) removing axle shaft nut, if you haven't already.

2) Swaybar needs detaching.

3)  Remove the bolts that hold the control arm to the subframe.

4) I asume you removed the bolt holding the ball jiont to the wheel hub assembly - 17mm wrench.

You should be able to knock the control arm down, and then rotate/manipulate the ball joint out.

If you've done these already, you need a bigger hammer.


[I've removed all nuts and bolts from the front control arms on my parts car
4kq, and I can't get the ball joint tab to slide out of the control arm.
Everything else is out.

What to do? I'll try putting the control arm bolts back in at the bushing,
then hammer outwards on the lower part of the strut, but I don't think I'll
be able to get much behind it.

Any hints?

Back to the garage....

Brady Moffatt]

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