Phoenix area listers?
qshipaz at
qshipaz at
Thu Jul 25 18:33:53 EDT 2002
Greetings Audinauts,
I was pondering something and got on a tangent... Ken has vented on the par=
ts situation from Carlsen. Local availability of "vintage" Audi parts in th=
e Phoenix area is difficult... I began to consider how many 5ktq's I have o=
bserved in my travels around the Valley. The answer is distressing... my '8=
6 (pearl wht), Ken's grey '88, and an '87 I didn't buy a few months back. I=
don't think I've seen another on the street in five years.
In 15 years in the desert, I've seen three urq's. One was in a shop, one wa=
s Tom Juliani's, and one was driven by a mysterious blonde lady... (I'm won=
dering if I didn't hallucinate that last one!)
So, living here in the region of the US where quattros are probably least a=
ppreciated- are there any other Phx. residents lurking on the list? All I'v=
e noted on my current era (this summer) are myself and Ken- are these 5 cyl=
inder beasts getting as rare here as I think they are?
No wonder I can't buy parts locally- the 5ktq, in Arizona, is rarer than a =
Lamborghini Miura or Morgan Plus 8, based on how many I've seen!
'86 5ktq (goin' to Motor Vehicle this Saturday!)
'86 CGT (roommate's)
'87 5kt, '85 CGT R.I.P.
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