Measuring HP

David Eaton deaton at
Fri Jul 26 10:39:02 EDT 2002

errr, no.  the torsen will make no difference to quattro driveline losses on
a dyno.  last time i checked there were 2 bearings on the diff, same as with
the earlier generation quattros.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

		-----Original Message-----
		From: QSHIPQ at
		Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:04:31 EDT
		Subject: RE:  Measuring HP

		The quattros eat a lot of losses thru friction, especially
the torsen cars.
		Most chassis dyno correction figgrs for the torsen cars is
25-29%.  This
		isn't an arbitrary number.  The car is put on a practice run
so that the dyno
		can calibrate the estimated Drive Line Loss.  The '95 S6 I
tested earlier
		this year came up with a 25% DLL.  The S car list guys went
thru a lot of
		this in the last year, and the debate still continues.  IME,
however you want
		to calculate the "estimated" flywheel HP, it's just
estimated.  But
		considering most rear wheel drive cars come up in the 12-15%
range, the 25-30
		seems reasonable to me.

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