Back License Plate Mount — the fix

Ron Soderberg Ron.Soderberg at
Fri Jul 26 10:36:17 EDT 2002

Thanks everyone for your replys. I was able to use a hacksaw blade and
cut the old scews off. I then "punched out" the old mounting sleves
which left holes in the plastic. I went to the parts store and
eye-balled the various after market mounting options and found a
plastic- staninless steel combination set designed for GM cars that look
like they would insert into the holes. I lucked out, they fit nearly
perfect with some slight shaving. To be safe I put some "Welder"
adhesive on each and let it sit for a day. The plates on and I'm "legal"
again in at least one regard.

>>> Huw Powell <human747 at> 07/26/02 12:37AM >>>

> Got new license plates for the 1990 Audi 100. Well, I mounted the
> plate with no problem. The back plate is a different story.
> winters and road salt have done a major rust job on the screw
> attachments. So instead of the screw simply coming out, what Audi
> for a nut is spinnning like a bad carnaval ride. I can see I can't
> to where I need to be from the back. Any ideas for getting the damm
> screws off short of breaking the plastic surround. I would think this
> pretty common problem. Thanks everyone.

It is common....

try cutting off the screw heads to remove the old plate (or cut the
plate til it wrassles off).  Most of these plastic plate trims have a
couple of actual mounting screws.  If you can remove it, a new
replacment is nice.  Some fabbed-up solution, of course, is ok.

When reinstalling, use stainless steel hardware, so next time is not

Huw Powell

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