Dammit how good can it feel to drive that beast!!!!

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Sun Jul 28 21:19:32 EDT 2002

God, I'm envious of you right now! Hope I can find a good deal on a 20v
when the time comes for my car.

87 Cq

Mihnea Cotet wrote:

> Went for the first test drive 15 minutes ago, without the hood nor the
> front core support and the car pulls insanely!!!! I don't have my boost
> gauge hooked up yet but I think it hits the right pressure and hell it IS
> fun to drive! The 100mph mark is hit in almost nothing, I think something
> like 12-15 seconds, well, the car is great! I still have to fit the
> interior and the front core support, as well as the hood and the
> hydraulic
> fluid reservoir but it is slowly ending! Now I can't wait till I have my
> urq IC and the Samco hoses, as well as the MTM chips I've ordered for
> it!!!!
> Mihnea, happy 20vt driver!
> '85 Coupe quattro, 3B converted, soon to get HD Bilsteins+H&R and Porsche
> brakes!

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